Few selected articles published in print and electronic media.
Interview by Atul Todi
Life is a Play with artist Swaroop Biswas
Melting Pot by Tania Roy
Interview on the blog by TANIA ROY
Art Magazine - Kala Dirgha
Featured in the Kala Dirgha Magazine
Article in DNA, Pune
This appeared in DNA around the time of my 2009 exhibition in Pune.
Times of India, Thane
Coverage of my Solo show at Kala Bhavan, Thane by Time of India, Thane.
Interview in Time Out Bangaluru
Jaideep Sen of Time Out Bangaluru asks about techniques, processes and concepts while expressing his own take on the works.
Interview: Economic Times, Chennai
Sudhir Srinivasan asks some unique questions. He ends up asking whether it discomforts to sell paintings that one makes with so much love and passion? Well now that's a first.
A small coverage of my exhibition at Art2Day Gallery.
Article in The Hindu, Ashrafi Bhagat
Profile and 6 paintings on PLATFORM
Platform Magazine, India
Platform Magazine did 3 double spreads of my paintings and a full page profile. Film stars do get that kind of space in print but for an Artist, that's very generous of you Platform, Thank you.
Coverage of My Thane Solo
Almost a half page coverage of my Thane show in a Thane Newspaper.
Article in The Hindu, Ashrafi Bhagat
This article appeared in The Hindu, Chennai, written by respected and renowned Art Critic and Former Head of Stella Maris College Dr. Ashrafi Bhagat.
I-S singapore-the asia city network
I just stumbled upon this review in a Singapore Magazine while searching for something else. It was great to read a spontaneous and unbiased view of my works from a total stranger. Can’t describe the feeling that these sporadic connections create.
Prahar Mumbai Jan09
Marathi Newspaper Prahar, Mumbai. Around the same time my Mumbai solo at Bajaj Gallery took place.
Mumbai Mirror 14july, 2007
Quite an unexpected one. Vivin & Me right in the middle of the road facing Victoria Terminus (CST) Station, Mumbai.
Midday, Bangalore
Little different from my other interviews. This had a touch of humor. Some friends thought Peeping Tom the title was cheap. I thought it was funny. What do you think?
The Hindu, Bangalore by Shravasti
Poetic Sketches: Shravasti Dutta writes about my works, concepts and process in this article.
Tania Roy wrote about my Exhibition in Pune titled 'Unveiled Creations'. I like her writing. She brings a lot of her persona while writing about others.
Mid-Day Delhi, 2007
DNA, Feb-2012
DNA covered a lecture on Beyond Art Colleges by me at Kala Bhavan, Thane.
Marathi Newspaper in Mumbai
Wonderfully written article. Even though I did not get to speak to the writer but the parallels he drew and interpretations were brilliant. Journalism is still breathing in regional languages I guess. In English it’s just business. Or maybe that’s just my impressions, is it?